Will You Be A Saba Insider or Outsider? – Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties
- April 10, 2019
- Albert & Michael - Saba Island Properties, Articles, BLOG, Caribbean Real Estate
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Many people have discovered Saba by accident and feel, from their personal experience, that they are insiders. Privileged to have found something fairly unknown and exclusive – a beautiful Caribbean island with an amazing lifestyle – affordable – safe – uncrowded – breathtaking scenery – wonderful climate – friendly community and… they’re right!
For an insider there’s tremendous appeal in finding the new and then spreading the word. Insiders are early adopters who want a different experience than people who are part of the mass market.
Insiders have status. They’re trailblazers. Leaders. Innovators. Pioneers. Brave. Aware. Dominant. Seeking the fresh and interesting. Looking to be first. They connect to people like themselves because they know something others don’t and they want them to know it too. They have the inside story. The facts that others are looking for and in this case it’s Saba and how valuable it is for people; for their well being and future.
Insiders create tension for outsiders. They don’t want others to be left out — “I found this place Saba and you’ve got to see it! Not over run. Not used up. Not average. Truly unspoiled. Saba’s not like any other Caribbean island.”
Insiders crave Saba
- Treasuring their Saba experience
- Frequently returning to their favorite hotel, rental villa or cozy Saban cottage
- Looking to make it last
- Investing
- Planning
- Buying a home or land
- Building something new from scratch
- Opening businesses
- Stepping into all out relaxation… renewal… pleasure
Saba wants to be known
It welcomes diverse groups. Converting them from outsiders to insider fans whenever it can. Divers, hikers, triathlon athletes, students, teachers, doctors, nature experts, bird watchers, writers, artists, chefs, photographers, builders, entrepreneurs.
Real insiders see purpose in Saba deeper than just a beautiful Caribbean island to vacation on. It’s a way of life. The way you were born to live. Free. Joyful. More and more people are eager to be Saba insiders before they miss out. Before this unusual island gets too big and you can’t get in.
No red velvet rope
You can be an instant insider. You don’t have to wait to be invited in. You don’t have to be rich. Just come visit and see if Saba is something you like. It’s a chance to fit in. To be part of something remarkable. Some Saba insiders have been coming here for 30 years because they love how Saba makes them feel.
One insider told us — “We’ve traveled a lot. All around the world and we never found a place like this. Saba is intoxicating.”
We were new on the scene
We had never heard of Saba. We were totally, uninformed outsiders until we saw a boat in St. Maarten with ‘Saba’ on the back and we had to see what it was. We found an exquisite island that so captivated us with its peace and beauty that we right away bought property and started our permanent move to Saba. People like us do things like this. We rush to be insiders. Buying into the adventure and lifestyle. Taking action. Welcoming the unexpected, the challenge and the opportunity.
Saba was the change we wanted after living and working in New York City for 40 years. For us Saba is a better place to live and work.
The peace of mind and happiness we found on Saba — the profound connection to pure nature — and the people, the community of workers, real craftsmen, who welcomed us and helped us renovate our home, was amazing and deeply gratifying to experience. They made us feel at home; that we belonged here and many of these special, generous, generous, people are still our friends today. That’s becoming an insider. Relationships. Connections. Kindness. Respect. Trust.
We went deeper still into being Saba insiders by opening our own real estate company – Saba Island Properties. Doing work that matters to people and for us that means having empathy — understanding what people are looking for as they talk about properties and living on Saba. They tell us their deep dreams. What they need and hope for. Also their fears about living in a foreign land. The cost of living. Will they fit in and be happy in this small island paradise?
We’re fascinated by people coming to Saba and, we help people get to where they want to go. To switch from outside observers and day dreamers to reality insiders.
(Naturally there are outliers. People on the fringes who stay there because island life is not for them. No problem. We don’t beg people to come here. We simply let people know Saba exists and then it’s your choice to find out — is Saba right for you.)
Saba insiders connect with one another
- Saba Insiders have similar views and desires and when they find that connection they settle in and thrive.
- Saba Insiders find better and Saba is better.
- Saba Insiders see the wonder and uniqueness of Saba and make a personal plan to be part of Saba. Be if for a week or… a lifetime.
- Saba Insiders are not average people. Not snobbish or elite but rather open, realistic. Smart. Practical. Decisive. Enthusiastic. Focused on what they need and how they’ll get it.
- Saba insiders like Saba the way it is. They don’t want to change the charm and extraordinariness of our ‘Unspoiled Queen’.
(We will easily share Saba with people but only with respect and love in return.) - Saba insiders are changed by Saba. They become more themselves and they continue to grow.
- Saba insiders have answers, experience and inspiration and, they like to give back; sharing what they know.
We have confidence promoting Saba because we’ve lived here since 2011 and it’s never disappointed us in any way. Life on Saba is really good. Exceptional! We’re in awe of Saba. In love with it. We feel ever so fortunate to live here.
We’re expat insiders
We work with all types of people on many different paths. Buying and selling and renting. We attract a large group of expats who are also looking for the change we created. We have valuable knowledge for others who want to learn about Saba. Our own insider experience helps to create trust and enthusiasm for other people because… we will tell you the truth about living on Saba. That’s our insiders promise.
- How we moved here and why
- How we bought property
- How we became residents
- How we opened a business
- How we learned about banking, taxes, health benefits…
Saba offers more than people expect from a Caribbean island. That’s the inside truth.
Please — Don’t wait too long to have the Saba experience.
Don’t lag behind. Living outside in the fringes. Looking in. Dreaming from a distance.
Take action. Follow us. Show up.
Saba is waiting for you to come inside and live!
♦ ♦ ♦
Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties
Expats – Saba Insiders – Showing You the Value of Saba
Saba (+599) 416. 2777 / USA +1 . 631 . 604 . 4435 / Skype: saba.island.properties
Emails: Albert@sabaislandproperties.com or Michael@sabaislandproperties.com
*Read about other Saba Insiders