Why is Saba So Enticing? – Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties

Because of…
- The stunning, lush green nature
- Cool, breezy, tropical weather (no mosquitoes)
- World class diving
- Top hiking trails
- Peaceful, relaxing atmosphere
- Respectful, caring community where you’re free to be yourself
- Remarkable ‘go out of our way to help you’ Saban hospitality
- Affordable
- Safe
- Clean
- No Crowds
- Relatively unknown and untrampled (that’s really enticing )
And with these alluring assets also comes — fine restaurants — top rental properties (hotels, historic cottages, villas) and the ability to reset yourself with new life and vitality. Watch it happen to you on Saba.
Saba is tantalizing
♦ People marvel at Saba from their first visit and even if they never return, they always remember Saba.
♦ A captivating island, full of opportunity and new possibilities for life and work.
♦ Some know Saba’s not right for them… “What do you do all day on a rock in the middle of the ocean?” They completely miss the quiet, splendor and quality of life.
♦ True fans faithfully return (and a few times a year) because they love how Saba makes them feel. It’s exclusive for them.
“We’re hooked on Saba. It’s home here. The people are friends and family and they make us feel we belong.”
♦ Many are so desirous of this special place they invest in a home or land or business to be an intricate part of the Saba experience. They see Saba’s value and potential. They have a 3 or 5 or 10 year plan and a solid budget to achieve their dreams. Building their future. ” Saba’s for us! We hold dear the unique ways of Saba — the charms that some intolerant people might find frustrating and inconvenient. So what if you can’t get everything you want at the grocery, can’t find someone to help you in the yard or with painting. There’s much more to be happy with on Saba than concerned with.”
♦ People come to Saba to regain their balance, adding to their sense of self and personal happiness (It’s the enticing master plan we’re all going after.) We have friends who run a business on St. Maarten but own a home here on Saba and come nearly every weekend to live.
They’re Saba insiders. “The real treasure is the silence. No traffic or noise. It’s the silence for sure that we love.”
♦ Saba can be an awakening. A returning to your essential self in body, mindset, emotions and spirit. People like us do things like this… we’re tempted by new places, people and things. We throw ourselves into enticement. That’s why we moved here in 2011 because Saba was so desirable! The change we were dreaming about. Buying property — Moving from New York City — Renovating a home — Opening a business. Alluring choices for the next step in our lives. What the French call ‘Joie de Vivre’… happiness and excitement about life.
♦ There’s the Saba enticement of connecting with nature and other people… feeling alive from watching the sun come up, swimming in the Caribbean sea, diving with turtles, hiking to the top of Mount Scenery and being dazzled by the views, fresh air, clouds and brilliant sunshine. We call it… the dynamic tranquility of Saba.
♦ Sure you can rent a big villa, hire a private chef, get the right bottle of wine but those are the playful details and wishes of a vacation.
But the real enticement of Saba is something deeper – richer – much more satisfying and lasting to your whole self and aspirations. It’s the physical and emotional experience you have finding Saba and seeing how living here (for a week or… a lifetime) vastly improves your life. Energizes your senses and desire to live well. Live healthy. Live with ease — joy — kindness — gratitude — generosity — love.
As you were born to do.
What’s the flip side of enticing?
The thing that can exist in any community, work place, family, school, organization…
- Boredom
- Disrespect
- Gossip
- Fear of change
- Fear of the truth
- Not minding your own business
- The desire to control and change things because you want to have your way
It takes work to have goodwill. To replace complaint with empathy by trying to understand another human being. To see what they want and need, even if it’s different from what you want and need. It’s recognizing our shared humanity. That’s why empathy works.
- How does a specific person see the world?
- Why do they think and act the way they do?
- How can you encourage the best thing in someone to come out?
- What are their dreams, hopes or worries about?
The truth — the facts — reliable knowledge — are far more tantalizing and healthy to talk about than rumors and petty ego.
It’s smart to be enticed by what nourishes you in your words, thoughts, actions, relationships… not what poisons you.
Change can be enticing
We’re all immersed in change. Constantly in a state of flux and that’s pretty much the normal process of life. Realizing this can help you accept change as a process that you’re involved in daily and something you cannot always control. It’s helpful to remember that our choice is not in stopping change but rather in how we deal with change.
Since Saba became a special municipality of The Netherlands, on October 10, 2010 (famously known as 10-10-10) the generosity of Holland and the hard work of our local government are making for important changes and that’s enticing.
Improvements to our roads, the airport, housing, water, Fort Bay Harbor, politics, marketing, travel services, taxes, medicine, education.
The status quo is shifting and even while the social and economic infrastructure is changing on Saba, people are still passionate to protect Saba’s precious environment and lifestyle here. Never wanting Saba to be a generic, ‘nothing special’ Caribbean vacation tourist trap.
What’s enticing about Saba? Feeling unbelievably good because you found something new, really fresh, surprising, comfortable, invigorating, life changing and… you’re actively telling your friends and family to get here and… you’ve already booked your next trip and… you’re looking at property, planning to invest and… and… and… you’re hooked on Saba.
♦ ♦ ♦