What Kind of Community Is Saba? – Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties
- November 10, 2019
- Albert & Michael - Saba Island Properties, Articles, BLOG, Caribbean Real Estate
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How people treat each other makes or ruins a community
Kind. Caring. Supportive… attracts people and keeps them coming back. Selfish. Rude. Cold… turns people off with good reason to complain.
Saba is recognized (even heralded) for its friendly people. Matched with – uncommon history – intense beauty – a quality lifestyle –
and real safety. Exceptional community assets. Don’t you agree?
Saba is small but the hearts of most Sabans are big and hold within them:
- Compassion
- Equanimity
- Generosity and a sincere willingness to share and help
- A healthy respect for diversity
- A fairly non-judgmental attitude for how people choose to live their lives
Important reasons why people love Saba and quickly feel they’re part of the community. (It’s not the case on other islands.)
Empathy is understanding
It begins by sincerely wanting to know another person. Trying to see how they view the world and to learn from them.
It’s what we all hope for – to be understood – and from our life experience, empathy is key for happiness and success with our clients and
the community we live in. Ask yourself about another persons point of view:
- How does a specific individual think?
- What do they desire in life?
- What do they want, need and maybe, even fear?
- How can you be of service to help someone achieve their dreams?
Having empathy doesn’t mean you agree with peoples choices or beliefs (to change or fix someone) but, when you’re successful at having empathy for others it creates infinite possibilities for compassion, unity, communication, peace, happiness, trust; having an open mind and an open heart. Essential standards that build a great community and authentic relationships.
What’s wrong with Saba?
It’s a question we’re asked a lot because people can’t believe how good the community of Saba is.
Saba’s like any other place in the world but on a small island some issues stand out more:
Gossip – Negative talk against other people and things; spreading rumors; disparaging remarks and actions. Some people describe it this way — “Small island… small minded.” Gossip is always based on contempt for a person. Never respect.
- If you gossip, do you gossip for justice and fairness?
- What does gossip do to your integrity and honor?
- How much do people trust you when you gossip?
Minding your business, sticking to the truth and having a genuine hope that another person be the best they can be, supports and grows community. Gossip tears it down.
Impatience – Things don’t happen fast on Saba. You need patience. It takes time to become a resident — to open a bank account — to get mail and supplies. Even to find someone to care for your yard regularly. Honoring the process of living requires composure, not irritation.
Change – Saba is a foreign land. You’re visiting and living in a new place and it’s necessary to respect the laws and traditions of Saba.
Some people want to change Saba. Change that only meets their expectations. They fight authority and disrupt, instead of adapting and adding to the culture. It’s the choice between affiliation and domination.
On October 10, 2010 (10-10-10) Saba became a special municipality of The Netherlands and that was a big change. The government of Holland has been working hand in hand with the government of Saba to improve education, health, buildings, roads, electricity, energy, taxes, laws, hoping to make this exclusive island even better than it is.
Change is never easy. Sometimes it creates fear and anger because people feel they’re losing power, freedom and comfort. They’re naturally worried that as things change, the life, civility, culture, charm, and spirit of Saba might be lessened or lost. You’ve got to have faith that the changes on Saba are benefiting all people not hurting them.
Complaint – Understandably, people are concerned about the cost of living – electricity, airfares, food, rent but for whatever reason, some people are just miserable inside. It’s their attitude to life. They dismiss the beauty of Saba and quality of living here and even resent other peoples happiness and success.
Will Bowen – best selling author and founder of ‘The Complaint Free Movement” explains it:
“Hurt people hurt people… [they] hurt others as a result of their own inner strife and pain.
Avoid the reactive response of believing they are bad; they already think so and are acting that way.
They aren’t bad; they are damaged and they deserve compassion…
an understanding of the painful and troubled road trod by another…”
Why not choose to celebrate each other and the incredible habitat of Saba. It’s the opposite of complaint.
A positive community starts with you
Saba is a unique, welcoming community. The tribes of Saba (groups, fans, clusters) are diverse with many different nationalities of people visiting, living and working together. Sabans are intelligent and creative. They take responsibility for raising their families, building their legacy, supporting, accepting, appreciating. All the natural, heartfelt things people are supposed to do as they go about their lives caring for their community and the environment.
We’re incredibly fortunate to live in the gorgeousness of Saba’s nature. Giving us openness, food, water, air, sunlight, earth. All the resources we need to prosper. It’s mother earth’s power – energy – gifts of abundance to us.
Right now, take a look at the blue sky, the rain, sunrise, night stars, lush vegetation and you’ll instantly feel the amazing, good effect that nature has on you. The earth cares about us and we can return that love by being earth carers right back. It’s crucial to a healthy community.
Everyone wins
The friendliness of Saba shows as people wave to you, say good afternoon, offer rides along the road, help neighbors and friends with errands, refer people for work. It’s mutual respect – thoughtful help – pulling together. Everyone wins when we each make the choice to create a place where people thrive together. It’s choosing love over ego. Forgiveness over “I’ll fix you”.
We’ve created a word for it (first used here) — “Sabatude” — A healthy, positive, state of mind and heart — attitude, magnitude, fortitude, gratitude for Saba and its people.
We moved here from New York. One of the great cities of the world to live and work in, but also a hard and fast paced life that takes its toll on your mind and body. Saba helped renew us with its beauty and caring people. Enabling us to relax and live closer to our true selves and values. Now our personal welfare comes first.
- We don’t have decision fatigue. We have mindful energy.
- Our nervous systems are good! Calm. Resilient.
- We eat and sleep very well.
- We’re flourishing in the community of Saba. That’s Sabatude.
Indifference or making a difference
People like us do things like this. We seek out communities where we can live life fully and then, when we find it, we tell others about the good fortune we’ve discovered and then, we continue to sustain and work to add to our community and make it even better.
We’re about 2,000 people living on Saba — shouldn’t it be easy to promote more gratitude, goodness and love in each other?
These simple and powerful words of actress Meryl Streep show two life choices we can make at any moment between
compassion and indifference.
- What do her words say about how you think and act?
- What will your choice be in how you live life and the affect you hope to have on the community you live in?
“Some people are filled by compassion and a desire to do good,
and some simply don’t think anything’s going to make a difference.”
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