‘There’s No Place Like Home’ – Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties
- September 1, 2017
- Albert & Michael - Saba Island Properties, Articles, BLOG, Caribbean Lifestyle, Caribbean Real Estate
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Home is an emotional and valuable thing to every person and thinking about what home means to you is at the heart of our work.
Lots of people visit Saba and feel at home. And then… they keep coming back to their favorite hotel, rental property or their own villa or
Saban cottage because it’s home to them.
Saba is a family community with history and charm and it can remind you of where you grew up. Bringing back memories of your own family and friends. The house and neighborhood you lived in. Certain feelings of love and belonging somewhere special in the world.
Peaceful. Safe. Relaxed. Happy.
You’re people to us first
As expats in real estate we like to connect with your dreams and specific needs of being at home when helping you to find a property on Saba, be it for a week or for a lifetime. It’s not just about locating a certain number of rooms, a view, a pool, AC. Those details are important but there’s something deeper we’re after — finding you a home that means something to you inside and out. Rooms and a location that embrace you so you feel – “This is it! This is where I want to live.”
Our work goes beyond the obligations of real estate. You’re people to us first. Engaging with you is what we’re after and it’s what you deserve. We’re not talking ‘social media’ engagement with a few photos, @’s and #’s and loads of meaningless spam. We want to truly understand what you want. To know the change you’re going after as you look at properties. What are your hopes and desires and also your concerns and even your fears as you consider possibly living on Saba, part time or full time.
Should we keep Saba a secret?
With all of Saba’s beauty and benefits it’s essential to find out if a five mile Caribbean island with about 2,000 people is right for you?
That’s our job and we’re thoroughly happy to teach you what we have learned living and working on Saba since 2011. We’ll tell you the truth and give you all the facts as no one else can. Some people may head you in the right direction but they haven’t actually lived through relocating to Saba and all the procedures you will encounter to secure your rights and the privilege of living on this beautiful Caribbean island.
People who come to Saba are adventurous. Curious about the lifestyle. Looking for something new. (For some it’s not right. Too small.
Not enough nightlife or beaches.) But, for many others… Saba’s very unique. It has status. Mystique. It’s elite.
Maybe we should end the article right here and say no more. Not tell people:
- It’s affordable
- Easy to get to
- How remarkable the quality of life is for people who want to retire well
- How friendly the community is and the sense of belonging
- The opportunities available
- How safe it is for you and your family
- The exceptional outdoor splendor and ease of living
- About the passion and planning that penetrates your heart and keeps you up at night dreaming of your return and where you’re going to live, what treasures you’ll move to your new home on Saba and how you’ll watch the sun rise and set from your front porch
We can’t help ourselves
We love Saba the way it is and… we also want to share the gifts of Saba with others because we feel so deeply fortunate to live here.
Real estate — what people really want and yearn for as they look at renting, investing in land or a house on Saba — matters to us. We offer a new and dynamic approach. One that encompasses, with logic and heart, real thought about you — real care — real emotions — real meaning —
real life and especially — what a real home is for you.
That’s our intention and our promise to you. We’re living examples of what’s possible making a home on the Caribbean island of Saba.
It’s so worth it!
♦ ♦ ♦
Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties
*Your Expat Real Estate Experts*
We have the real experience and real answers to your questions