Should We Keep Saba A Secret? – Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties
- August 10, 2019
- Albert & Michael - Saba Island Properties, Articles, BLOG, Caribbean Real Estate
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“Why have I never heard of Saba?”
That’s what people often say when they discover this unique island. And then…
“Please — Don’t talk about Saba because if more people know Saba exists it might get ruined.”
So, the question is — Should we keep Saba a secret?
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Saba is really this good
- Fresh
- Safe
- Private
- Friendly
- Affordable
- Easy to get to
- Uncrowded
- Breathtaking nature
- Top diving and hiking attractions
- Wonderful hospitality
- Welcoming to everyone
Should the fortunate residents, who live and work here, and the wise tribes that invested in homes and businesses, years ago, and the passionate folks who return regularly to their favorite rental property or hotel for diving, hiking and pure relaxation, be silent and keep Saba to themselves?
Should ‘Saba Insiders’, who love it unconditionally; love the exclusive solitude, beauty and charm that they find only on Saba, not talk it up?
People from Europe, Canada, the USA, talk to us frequently about what life on Saba is like. Seriously interested in relocating because they’re worried about how governments and world leaders are running things and treating people. They have fears about home and family security and so, they search for a place where they can have peace and happiness.
Saba is an option for change and stability and well-being
When you see how abundant Saba is and experience the assets of living in this pristine land, where the quality of life is superb, you’ll understand why so many people see it as a gift — a precious gem to treasure and even protect from the masses of people who may not care
a lick about what happens to Saba.
Saba can be a place to counteract an overcharged, and suddenly confusing world we live in. Giving your life renewed power from the sun,
rich vegetation and generally kind people. Nourishing your soul (your essential self and free will) which is equally as important as maintaining your physical health.
You should feel that where you live is on your side. Supporting you. Bringing out the very best in you – emotional goodness, physical comfort and spiritual joy and fulfillment.
When you visit Saba you’ll know why this kind of daily living is so desirable and healthy.
Why the peace, style, simple elegance, unpretentiousness, of this compact Dutch Caribbean island is loved.
Saba’s got status
It’s not St. Barths – Ibiza – the French Riviera – Mustique. People don’t want it to be. Lots think Saba is way better.
We absolutely want people to know Saba and love it as we do.
- To rejoice in the special life of this foreign land
- To know the culture, the people and their ways
- To live in the miraculous nature that surrounds you every day
- To feel right at home by meeting the warm, welcoming people of Saba, even if you’re visiting for just a few days
We’ve had a surge in sales for homes, land and businesses
- People with confirmed bank mortgages buying land to build a home in the future
- Purchasing houses to live here full or part time (and then renting to cover costs and to make an added income)
- Investing in businesses or opening something new
- And — contracts for several long term rental homes (short term vacation rentals too)
It’s the Saba movement we’ve written about before because — people see the extreme value of living on Saba and how the quality of life makes you feel. Enriching you entirely. Setting off inspiration, creativity, talent, putting you into flow and happiness. You’ll be surprised what potential Saba brings out in you and what great relief.
Saba is a place where you can raise a family with freedom and comfort. Where you can retire in safety, manage the cost of living, and not live with bars on your windows. Some people don’t even lock their doors.
Isn’t that how we’re supposed to live?
We know a lot about who comes to live on Saba
We study not only the demographics of our clients but the psychographics. Looking to fully understand our smallest, most viable audience — our ideal customers.
We have many facts about who we serve and how. Much of our best work is sharing what we know as expats and experts on real estate. Teaching people all about Saba — becoming a resident – taxes – health benefits – banking – working on Saba – running a business – and how daily living on a small island works with one great road, about 2,000 people and supplies coming in by boat once a week.
What’s the great Saban vitality and value about?
Connecting to the positive energy from the stunning scenery, fantastic climate and nice people.
It’s a choice to live here on a small Caribbean Island. It certainly involves personal change and also, the need to understand how Saba works. Not to get here and then try to change this good place but, treating it with respect and deep reverence for the land, people, government. And also being grateful for the many benefits given to people. Saba is a foreign country. A different culture with different rules and regulations that should be honored.
Saba offers anyone the rare opportunity to live a better life and gives all its people the chance to help others feel at home.
That’s the work we do. Simply trying to be human and not a drone behind a computer, rattling off listings and pushing sales down your throat. We’re doing the emotional labor of knowing another person. How someone sitting in front of us or talking on the phone or sending an email,
is the same and different from us and the individual way they see the world.
- How do they live and think?
- What do they want, need and hope for?
- What might they worry about?
- What gets them jumping out of bed in the morning?
- What are their hearts yearning for?
So we dig deep and intentionally ask: Is the Caribbean island of Saba right for you? If yes, why?
That’s the crucial question to answer, with many important details because a great big part of our job is making dreams come true for people who know they want to move to Saba. Helping them find a home.
Like loads of other people, Saba is really right for us and, we’ve been rewarded in a vast amount of ways living and working here since 2011. What dominates Saba is a strong sense of well-being and the deep and immediate connection to nature; the beauty of Saba and a caring, supportive community. Just some of the rewards that have us feel how generous Saba is — how good life can be and — how immense our gratitude is.
What Saba has is hard to find in the world. It’s limited. In short supply and that makes it so valuable.
Do you think talking about Saba like this ruins it?
What’s the first rule?
I remember a class I took with marketing genius Seth Godin where he talked about the 1999 movie Fight Club starring Brad Pitt
and he quoted these famous lines from the film — “What’s the first rule of Fight Club? — You do not talk about Fight Club.”
If you saw the movie, do you remember what happened next? The whole world showed up to be part of Fight Club because people were told
not to talk about it.
“What’s the first rule of Saba? — You do not talk about Saba.”
See what we’re saying?
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