SABA Island Properties — What’s the Point of It?
- August 2, 2014
- Albert & Michael - Saba Island Properties, Articles, BLOG, Caribbean Real Estate
- No Comments

This article was first published in with the headline:
— Meet Saba Island Properties, the new real estate agency on Saba —
Why here on Saba?
When we visited Saba for the first time and fell totally in love with it.
We like to be busy and for some time we’ve been thinking about what we wanted to do here on Saba. How could we use our lives, our knowledge and skills, to benefit the entire community as well as people looking to live on island — buying land or homes and building?
Many people approached us after seeing the renovation work we did on our house and a cottage, asking for our help with their homes and businesses – giving advice about design and improvements. Several asked if we would sell their properties and even rent and manage them.
We’ve lived through the entire process of relocating – all the legal, financial and emotional aspects of moving and living in the Caribbean.
So – that’s how SABA Island Properties was born. We know we have answers and hands on experience that is extremely useful.
Recently we were approved by the Executive Council of Saba, and the BES to open and work here and the response has been truly amazing. We’re so grateful to people for their support and also their trust in selling their land and homes. Our business is growing. It’s very rewarding.
How did you come up with the name – SABA Island Properties?
We wanted to be grounded, simple and democratic.
Homes for sale on Saba range from historical 600 sq. ft. Saba cottages to million dollar estates. Land too can be modest, beautiful plots or vast mountain sites, ready to be developed for hotels or housing communities. There’s great diversity all around Saba.
When we first looked to buy land or a home here, we saw all different kinds of properties, so our vision for our real estate company was one of being diverse and down to earth with fairness and equality. We’re opening a company that will:
– represent anyone who wants to sell their home or a piece of land
– will help to improve or renovate existing homes
– will offer supervision and guidance with new construction
– will assist you to manage your property and find rentals for visitors like we once were
We wanted the full spectrum to be available, not just high end villas. That’s our hope and purpose in opening SABA Island Properties. We’re not snooty people, born with silver spoons in our mouths. We’ve worked hard all our lives and we’re not afraid to dig in and get our hands dirty.
But there are already a couple of other realty companies here
True…but we plan to work together to help develop Saba. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved. Lots of citizens of Saba think our company and offerings are needed and they welcome it. We haven’t had a bit of negativity. Besides, there are several dive companies here, grocery stores and restaurants. People work together on Saba. It’s one of the reasons we love living here — that genuine feeling of people looking out for each other; helping out and giving back.
What makes you different?
Here’s our belief – “You’re more than just a real estate listing to us.”
Selling or buying a home or piece of land is a very personal thing. You may own a property or live at the property you’re selling. You know it better than anyone. Maybe you’re looking to buy and you’re hoping to connect with a specific home as you’re looking. It’s our job to listen carefully to what you want and make it happen for you. It’s all about you. It’s your agenda. That’s the key for us. We’re here to assist you every step of the way. Of course we present the facts: acreage, number of bedrooms etc. but…we like to do more, go deeper and further.
– We want to know you and your property. We spend time with you, asking questions to see what you feel about your home or what it is you hope to find in your future house on Saba.
– We spend hours visiting your home. We take all our own photographs of your property, seeing it from all kinds of angles. It’s essential to us. It’s a beautiful process selling or buying a house, or land and we want to do the best job we possibly can. We can’t do that without wanting to understand what you feel and want.
People have been great! Welcoming us into their lives. Telling us the history of each property, even inviting us to parties so we can feel the life in their home; what it’s like to live there from sunrise to sunset. Every home is unique and special and knowing all the details and emotions, your personal take on your property, will help us to help you sell or buy here on Saba. There’s really no other way to be in real estate.
Our slogan is – “We don’t just sell properties. We create a Caribbean lifestyle.”
What has happened since opening SABA Island Properties?
Wonderful positive things! Here are five things we think of right away:
1. We’re meeting lots of new people who are telling us about their land and homes and also talking about their doubts and fears and previous experiences dealing with real estate agents.
2. We have several new clients and more that we’re talking to. People are being so kind by referring their friends to us and that is such an honor. Personal introductions mean the most. They’re really valuable to us.
3. Magazines and newspapers have approached us to write articles telling our story. What it’s like living on Saba? — What’s the real estate market in the Caribbean like? — What’s the work we do as designers, contractors, gardeners? — What are our resources and who do we work with? – How do we get the work done on a small island in the Caribbean?
4. We’re more active in our lives and the community and that is good! It keeps you young and alive. Recently we were asked to assist various committees who will be improving Windwardside Village; really beautifying it, preserving the history, upgrading so as to attract more tourists and have them stay longer, to welcome them back and to encourage them to spread the word about the beauty and quality of life here on Saba.
5. Now we get to give back.
There are so many new opportunities that have come our way and keep coming. We’re utterly surprised and so thankful for all that has happened and continues to happen. We’re open to it all.
The honorable and talented people of Saba
One more vital thing we want to speak about before we close. It has been our good fortune to meet, work with and befriend many, many people on Saba. In our line of work we have found people to be true professionals and artists in so many different trades – tilers, masons, painters, concrete workers, contractors, electricians, carpenters, gardeners and more. Their work is beautiful, careful and impressive. When we look at our home we have so many good feelings about the people who worked at finishing it — making it just the way we wanted it. We found real quality, real gold. We now know lots of people we trust and can count on, who show up and get the work done because it matters to them. Their good name, work ethic and quality of product is at the center of who they are. They live with honor.
Please take a look at our website –
It’s in process…some things are still being worked on and improved, just like us.
Thanks. We look forward to speaking and working with you.
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