Saba is Strong – Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties
- October 10, 2020
- Albert & Michael - Saba Island Properties, Articles, BLOG, Caribbean Real Estate
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Creating positive change
Saba is like the beautiful bougainvillea plant – pouring forth profuse blossoms during some of the driest times of the island. Thriving. Abundant. Extraordinary, vivid colors. Symbolic of peace and celebration and the welcoming of visitors.
It shows us that there are opportunities for growth even with the Pandemic. People just need to look and take action and that means – doing the work to create change, during this stressful time. It means being creative. Not sitting still. Not waiting to be given instructions.
Not complaining. Not pinning your own back to the wall. It’s the opposite of being agitated and atomized.
It’s aiming for something better than what we have right now. That’s what many people on Saba have been doing. Regrouping. Reinventing. Resetting themselves and their businesses. Trying new things. Collaborating with others. Staying connected with clients and Saba fans so people know they are alright and moving forward in a positive way.
The services on Saba are operating well
Food and products are being delivered to our island. Restaurants are open serving and offering take out. Hotels are presenting movie nights, pool parties, happy hour events.
We do miss our tourists and that is very hard on everyone’s livelihoods. For us it has been a stoppage for rentals and sales BUT… we’re hopeful about the future and new growth!
We’re still getting several inquires about what it is like to live on Saba because people are looking to relocate. Looking for change. To leave cities and crowds and… what is more appealing than living on your own Caribbean island! And because we relocated here from New York City (10 years ago) people know we have answers and trust us to tell the truth about:
- The cost of living on Saba
- The cost to buy land and homes
- The cost to build new homes
- The cost to open a business
Naturally people are looking for the best price
Seeking bargains and thinking because Saba is small it will be cheap to live here or because we are in the midst of Covid-19 people are desperate to sell and can be talked down in price. It can be insulting to hear this but understandable with the world economic situation.
We’re compassionate and practical and will never sell out Saba.
Remember – the assets of Saba are incredible! The lifestyle is magnificent and unique. Unlike any other spot in the Caribbean. You can’t put a price on nature and peace and the lack of stress and what it means to be free and live in beauty every day.
The virus is not a flu and no hoax
We’re all being serious about that even as we are eager to open our borders.
Saba is safe and that is a huge asset for our island. A confidence builder and attraction for the near future when we are able to reopen and welcome people back.
- Some – for the first time visiting Saba
- Others – familiar guests and home owners – Saba insiders and long time fans
- And – People looking to do Sababbaticals for a month or two or longer
Think of a Sababbatical as
A ‘soul-bbatical’ or ‘wellness-bbatical’ or ‘heart-bbatical’ where you take extended time off from routine work, maybe to work remotely or quit a job that you just can’t stand any more because you’re overwhelmed, burned out and it’s time to reconnect with what matters most to you in life. Building a new path out of an old rut. Living elsewhere; experiencing a new and different culture and climate for new reasons. A new adventure in your life. ‘Adventure-bbatical’
Like many other people on Saba we’re optimistic and looking for good things to happen. Not being lazy or angry but proactive in holding on, maintaining homes and businesses and friendly attitudes, as best as we can because it matters! It’s Sabatude.
These are long and difficult times all around the earth and Saba is bringing together our hearts and work.
Maintaining our culture of decency and hospitality and the essential desire
to listen and support one another.
♦ ♦
Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties
Creating a Caribbean Lifestyle for a week or… a lifetime
Saba (+599) 416 – 2777
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