Saba and You are Resilient – Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties
- January 10, 2021
- Albert & Michael - Saba Island Properties, Articles, BLOG, Caribbean Real Estate
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The World Has Been Turned Upside Down and Hurt for Some Time
Saba has suffered and remains on its feet. We – the people of Saba and citizens of the world – are resilient. Living through a horrific year of fear for our lives with Covid – financial worries – cultural hatreds – politics. Our lives have all been challenged in ways we did not expect.
We’re still here, happy and thriving. Sabatude!
Saba is a regenerative community that doesn’t quit. Reset – Reinvent – Reignite – Recover – Rebuild – words that explain our Resiliency.
Our toughness. Our ability to be healthy and get through the dip of this trauma.
- What makes you resilient?
- What have you learned from the pandemic?
- What do you hope for in 2021?
The Tribes of Saba are coming back
People returning to Saba are honoring covid testing, paperwork, and our ten-day quarantine period and then… staying on Saba longer –
working remotely and enjoying paradise. Taking what we call Sababbaticals. Why not live your best life!
- Saba remains beautiful, exciting, peaceful, relaxing
- Saban’s have maintained services and hospitality in our hotels, grocery stores, restaurants, hiking, diving
- Kind people and a strong, friendly community are ever-present
Two choices
Some people chose to use the pandemic to be kind and helpful. They focused on other people’s needs and how to build something new out of personal and professional disaster. They reinvented themselves – using the loss of work and jobs to reset their lives and vocations, using adversity as an advantage, and making things better.
Others, unfortunately, have maintained their selfishness and ingratitude. Complaining about what is wrong and missing instead of being immensely grateful that Saba is Covid free and we are all surviving well.
We should all be proud and grateful to our government and health officials and our supportive community for the unified commitment
to protect our land and people.
All you need to do is look around and see who is surviving and why. To see the new projects and intentions appearing during covid and
coming out of lockdown and quarantining.
- What have people created?
- How have people adjusted financially and socially?
- What have people seen and learned that makes them resilient?
- How have people contributed during this crisis?
Connecting but not selling out
We have used the pandemic to learn. We are looking at how other countries and people are leveling up and leading.
Not sitting on hold waiting for instructions but picking themselves to lead. Taking creative and decisive action as individuals – for their families and friends and then moving outward into their work and the world’s well-being.
Steadily we have connected with clients and people who are asking for help and understanding.
- Wanting to know more about Saba’s life and the cost of living
- Renting homes
- Relocating
- How to work and run a business on Saba
- The cost of building a home, climate, and locations of land
Yes! Real estate has been at a purchasing standstill for a long time. We’re hurting financially, but there has always been
something larger to focus on besides sales and money – Life on Saba. Our everyday gratitude for living in generosity, safety and the gorgeousness of this Caribbean island.
Again – Some people get it and respect the life of Saba, and others are haggling for cheap deals on rooms and properties and land,
even questioning what we have done to sell their properties and never asking – “Are you alright at this time of covid?”
The people of Saba are proud, happy people. They love their island and take good care of their homes, businesses, and one another.
That genuine empathy is exceptional for any place in the world.
We are not looking to sell ourselves out. We’re not lowing prices or the quality of hospitality and living. We have compassion for what people are living through, and at the same time, we have standards and know the value of properties.
What do we all have in common? Our love for Saba
Like everyone, we want to welcome people home to Saba, to be free to travel and be with people without fear, and with the hope of
the new vaccine, we’re looking forward to fully opening up! Saba is well established and it’s also like a new frontier presenting change
and new possibilities.
Now in 2021, everyone can start fresh with new attitudes. Promoting Honesty – Goodwill – Optimism – Health – Justice – Peace.
- Location is key, and Saba has it
- Safety and security are crucial, and Saba has it
- Nature and beauty are essential to mental and physical wellness, and Saba has it
- Benevolence and Saba has it
- Quality living – a lifestyle that is a living dream – Saba has it
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