Saba – A Superb Way to Live – Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties

The Caribbean island of Saba is a surprising vacation spot with dazzling beauty and a superb way to live.
It astounds many people.
Saba is unparalleled – untrammeled – unlimited in its potential for fulfilling people’s dreams and even changing lives, including the profound and moving feeling that you’re coming home to the essence of your ‘self’ – returning to values for what matters most in your life.
The fact Saba is relatively unknown is an enormous asset in setting it apart from other islands, making it:
Like a Private Club
A Warm, Welcoming Community
Lush and Leisure Atmosphere. (Some people call it – Classy Casual.)
Excellent Climate
A Unique Adventure – Off the Beaten, Crowded, Commercial Path
Recently a friend and investor in Saba wrote us about captaining a 46-foot catamaran sailing around
St. Lucia, St. Vincent/The Grenadines:
“Saba has these more developed and highly commercialized islands beat as far as the quality of life
and beauty – no question about that. The longer I am away, the more I miss it.”
Another client, who has spent years renting in Bonaire, was flying back to the USA from Antigua. He told us they also miss Saba and look forward to returning to the island for several weeks as he and his wife are considering investing in Saba. They sent us this photo of Saba from their plane.
Naturally – people like us (who adore Saba) discuss its rarity. As word spreads, the people who get Saba, who are looking for this gem of an island retreat, and lifestyle, connect to it in lasting ways. Outsiders become insiders.
They often return to their favorite hotel and rooms or rental cottages and villas, year after year, to fully enjoy the quality way of living Saba exudes.
Sure, there are negatives – gossip, complainers, not enough beaches, people wanting change, and then
not liking change at the exact same time.
It’s an easy and healthy choice to avoid the nay-sayers’.
There’s so much right about Saba. So much to love that will knock you off your feet and then bury itself deep within your heart.
Do your research on Saba and other islands. Then come to visit and make up your mind. See if Saba is right for you.
Most people we meet and work with who buy land and homes or open businesses immerse themselves in Saba. Embrace the hiking, diving, and pleasure of doing little but… R E L A X.
What kind of lifestyle do you want?
How do you dream of living your one precious and wild life?
What action steps will you take to make your dream a reality?
The Caribbean Island of Saba is a reality. It’s a dream come true for many people.
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Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties
Creating a Caribbean Lifestyle for a Week or… a Lifetime
Saba (+599) 416 . 2777
Emails: or
Here’s Why People Work with Us
Michael’s writing is published at Arianna Huffington’s – Thrive Global, The Huffington Post,
Medium, Maria Shriver’s Website, LinkedIn, Michael Port, The Fordyce Letter, Mélange Magazine and others.
Along with this international monthly Blog Michael publishes daily on his coaching website – Commit2Change.