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Land For Sale – Booby Hill – *Exclusive Agents*

 ~ ‘Johnny’s Ground’ on Booby Hill ~

“Any piece of land on Booby Hill is in demand because of the location. We have a list of clients constantly asking us to let them know when property or homes are up for sale or rent on Booby Hill because it’s their first choice of where to live on Saba.

Peaceful… Open… B E A U T I F U L… at the southern end of the island with shinning views and fresh tropical breezes. We always say
You’re living on the edge of the world here on Booby Hill.”
– Albert & Michael  – *Exclusive Agents*

Johnny’s Ground, first purchased in 1881 and then developed over the years, is a unique location — nicely sloping land, where all the plots have a view of the sea and the islands of Statia, St. Kitts, Nevis and Montserrat. This parcel of land has one of the best views because it’s located at the top of the property. And yes… splendid sunrises!

  • 983 square meters
  • Private road
  • Easy utility connection
  • Walking distance to Windwardside Village
~ * ~ 
An Excellent Price – $95,000.00 USD 
~ * ~
SABA Island PropertiesAlbert + Michael
Saba (+599) 416 . 2777 / USA +1 . 631 . 603 . 4435 / Skype:
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