Have You Got Sabatude? – Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties
- December 10, 2019
- Albert & Michael - Saba Island Properties, Articles, BLOG, Caribbean Real Estate
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Sabatude — A healthy, positive state of mind and heart —
attitude, magnitude, fortitude, aptitude, gratitude for Saba, for people and for life.
Technology today is incredible and with it people are hooked into their smartphones and computers, living and working from any place in the world; connecting with other people and places; researching, learning, sharing, changing, building hope, security and happiness for their futures so life can be sweet.
We also see and experience injustice in the world and sometimes in our own personal lives. It’s easy to accent what’s hurtful, imperfect, lacking; feeling fear, shame, anger and pain. This is not Sabatude. Not amplifying goodness.
It takes only a little bit of empathy and compassion to think about and help out someone else.
- Isn’t that how we hope to live our lives?
- How does simple kindness liberate you?
- How does an open heart connect you to other people?
Legendary actress, singer, dancer Judy Garland described it this way:
“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all be a little more gentle with each other,
and a little more loving, have a little more empathy,
and maybe we’d like each other a little bit more.”
Care for other people is at the heart of Sabatude. It’s a life force in the culture of this incredible Caribbean island. It is strength – grace – traditions – history – legacy – heritage – community – magnificent nature.
Let’s get deeper about Sabatude
Attitude – the mental and emotional way of thinking about someone or something. A view point. A frame of mind that can be positive or negative (depending on how you choose to see things). Saba has a friendly attitude. It assumes the best about people.
You feel the warm community; that you belong… it’s welcoming, genuine, respectful. You matter. That’s Sabatude.
Magnitude – the vast size of something. Its caliber, importance, quality, value. Saba is small but the lifestyle looms large because of its people, safety, and breathtaking beauty. When you experience Saba’s lifestyle assets you’re living in full Sabatude.
Fortitude – an admiring of peoples strength and courage. The early settlers of Saba had fortitude and dreams moving here and building a community that has lasted and continues to flourish. Character… Strong will… Standing fast… Determined… Self aware… Backbone… Guts… Fiber… Grit… all words standing for Sabatude.
Aptitude – A natural ability; innate potential in people or things (even places). Sabans adapt and promote themselves. Their wisdom, talents, imagination, creativity and hearts exemplify Sabatude.
Gratitude – The choice to be thankful. Appreciative. To receive and also give kindness. One of the most powerful emotions in man.
Gratitude is a celebration of life and a feeling of profound and natural happiness as well as one of the largest elements of Sabatude.
Since moving here in 2011 (from New York City) and building our real estate company, we see how real Sabatude is as we help people
feel at home, be it for a week in a rental property or something more permanent in the purchase of a home or a piece of land. It’s always about how Saba makes you feel matched with our deep and natural obligation to share Saba entirely with the rest of the world.
Sabatude is our debt of thanks to this beautiful island paradise and its kind people.
Countless, moving instances of Sabatude
Every person who knows Saba and lives here has stories that amplify goodness. How people lend a helping hand to others and often without looking for pay back. We recall:
- How people welcomed us with gifts from their homes — fresh avocados, mangoes, papayas, bananas; sharing plants and teaching us about tropical gardening. Homemade Christmas fruit cake and Saba Spice. One unforgettable gift was a dozen fresh eggs.
- People giving us water from their own cisterns during a drought. (The liquid gold of Saba.)
- And with our first hurricane warning, people showed up to teach us how to batten down all the hatches.
- When renovating our home people steered us clear from being financially ripped off and then continued to help us finish our home with honesty and quality work. Many of these people are still trusted friends today.
- One time, on a Sunday morning, we were low on gas. A good friend called around and connected us with someone we didn’t know and he had a can of gas ready for us. We offered to pay him and he said — “No. Just refill the can and drop it back whenever you can.
You’re family. Happy to help.”
- Crowd funding a family that lost their home to fire.
- Saba Boxing Day.
- Our annual Wahoo Fishing Tournament.
- The Saba Triathlon.
- The art and history of Saba Lace, which is still taught today.
- The Artisans workshop presenting traditional local crafts.
- And the steady 6:00 am wake up call – the blowing of the conch shell – ‘The herald of the morn.’
The people of Saba always come through with generous spirit and joy. We love and value their unlimited thoughtfulness.
It’s the power of Sabatude and truly why the island of Saba is exclusive.
Sabatude is the atmosphere of Saba… the hospitality, culture and especially the character of the friendly people.
It’s living in harmony and the flow of our everyday Saba lifestyle. Common decency, integrity, professionalism, honesty, truth, love.
We’re committed to a future together — Saba and us. Along with many other wise people.