From a Daydream to a Life Plan – Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties
- January 10, 2019
- Albert & Michael - Saba Island Properties, Articles, BLOG
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We all have dreams
Some of us go after them with passion and imagination. Letting nothing stand in the way of making our dreams come true.
Maybe you’re dreaming of getting a job where you’ll feel expressed and make a difference in peoples lives and the world — or —
finding a partner to love and share life with — or — living some place new in your dream home.
One of my favorite quotes about dreaming is by American feminist, journalist and, social political activist Gloria Steinem (whom I greatly admire) because it says — the exciting plans we have for our lives (those particular, yearning daydreams and fantasies) are possible.
“Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities.
Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.”
We’re in the business of making dreams come true
and we gratefully share with you this stirring note from Olof Landgren, a wonderful friend from Sweden, because he describes exactly
the unique work we do and the impact we hope to have on people.
“Albert & Michael, you certainly had a big hand in us going from a daydream to a life plan
[helping us find the right land on Saba to build our home].
You understand dreams yet see what is real — and making the connection is a rare talent that
requires emotional intelligence as well as practical knowledge and hard work.
I for one am grateful for the work you guys do, and for making two new friends in the process!”
What a tribute. Thank you Olof for your generous and kind words.
Yes. We do work hard and with emotional intelligence – “the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.”
Having empathy for people; making lives better; touching hearts; caring about dreams and wishes and making them real is essential to the success of our business.
Making a change is exciting and also scary
All kinds of questions and concerns come up as we talk to people and learn about their future plans visiting Saba, looking at land, rentals or homes for sale… even commercial businesses.
- Money, budgeting and the cost of living is important
- The process of buying and closing on a property
- Moving your family, beloved pets and belongings to a foreign place
- Thinking about schools and education for your children
- Residency and citizenship
- What will it be like living in a new culture?
- What about taxes, health benefits, being accepted in the community, safety?
- Will I be happy on a small island in the Caribbean?
- Can I get what I need for my home? Supplies, appliances?
- Are there contractors, on island, who can build and renovate?
- Who do I trust and feel comfortable with?
- Can I work and earn a living on Saba if I want to?
As expats we’ve lived through many of these fears and changes, relocating to Saba from New York City, and we’re confident our practical knowledge will be useful to you.
We care enough about you to ask the important questions. Even the uncomfortable questions to find out — Is Saba Right for You? Because, when you make up your mind to settle here, we want you to be 100 percent sure that the property and lifestyle you dream about, and invest in, will have you feel — ” This is home.”
Our greatest dreams have come true on Saba
- The dream of living and working in joy and peace
- Connecting to beauty with magnificent nature surrounding and enhancing us
- Belonging to a community where there’s respect and genuine care for people who also care and give back
- Having a quality life and being happy
- Getting back to what’s important in life
- Building a successful real estate company
- Helping people find a home, be it a rental apartment, land, an historical Saba Cottage or… villa
You can have it too
Living well, free, safe, on the island of Saba. Feeling nostalgia and comfort in the rooms of your house and the unspoiled land around you… creating new memories… waking early with the blue Caribbean sea and sky and brilliant sunrises… all the things that bring out those sudden, deep, sweeping emotions of gratitude and wonder because you’re living in paradise and it’s great to be alive.
Right now some people are living with “… leaps of imagination… possibilities… planning…” Why not you!
Ask yourself: What do I want for my life? — How do I want to live? — Figure it out. Trust in it. Make a life plan and throw your dreams into the air and see where you land. It could be on Saba – An exclusive Caribbean Island. After all…