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An 8 Point Foolproof Plan – See If Saba’s Right For You – Albert & Michael – Saba Island Properties

An 8 Point Plan - Is Saba Right For You? - Albert & Michael - Saba Island Properties


If you know Saba is right for you (you’re already buying land or a home after a short visit) that’s perfectly understandable and great. Congratulations! WooHoo! Go… Go… Go for it. We did the same thing — immediately bought property after visiting for just two weeks.
We knew we were coming back and, as fast as possible. So — skip this plan and pass it along to other people you think will adore Saba the way you do. Otherwise… start planning and plotting now:

1. Do your research

Google:  Saba Dutch Caribbean and start reading. Find out all you can about this exclusive Caribbean island.

  • Look at videos and photos of Saba
  • Read magazine articles – CNN Travel Newsweek Forbes
  • Learn about Saba’s excellent hotels — restaurants — rental cottages — villas
  • Check out TripAdvisor
  • Visit the Saba Tourist Bureau website and discover conservation, hiking, diving… 3 things Saba is famous for
  • Study real estate


We have a good friend (once a client) who did just that. Studied Saba for 2 years and selected a property to buy, telling us:

“If it looks as good in person as the photos do on your website it’s mine!” 

It did.

2. Come visit

Book a flight to St. Maarten /St. Martin and fly over to Saba on Winair (15 minutes) for one of the top surprises of your life or come by boat

  • Stay in a hotel — rent  a cottage — rent a villa — rent an apartment
  • Discover the island – 5 square miles, one impressive, well maintained road and about 2,000 people
  • Get to know the different villages on Saba and climates
  • Become part of the Saba community and its stunning nature

3. Go to other islands
  • Come to Saba first or save it for last but… you must see what life is like on other islands
  • Visit St. Maarten, St. Barths, Nevis, St. Kits, Statia, Bonaire, Dominica 
  • Keep a journal and take photos
  • Live in the culture –  meet the people – feel the safety – study the cost of living


We have friends who live and work on Saba for years and keep traveling around but always say:

“There is no place like Saba. It stands alone. We’re really happy here.”
4. Go Home 

Unpack, settle back into your comfortable life and see how Saba feels from a distance.

  • What value does Saba have for you?
  • What do you like or not like about Saba?
  • Would you be happy living on an island?
  • How do you think you’ll do with a change of location — a change of climate — a change of culture?
  • What’s your feasible budget?
  • Time Line? Now – 3 – 5 – 10 years?
  • What are your hesitations?
  • What are you most afraid of?
  • And… if you’re sold on Saba, love it unconditionally, why?


Change is not easy but if you know what you want, don’t delay. Go and get it! Don’t waste your daydreams. Don’t settle. Take a risk.
Commit to fully living your life. People make the choice to change all the time. To change everything. We did. Use us for courage and wisdom and start walking (or running) along that new path.

5. Come back to Saba and live as if…
  • Visit several times more and live as if you are a resident of Saba
  • Stay longer than usual… a month or more
  • Become part of the community
  • Talk to other expats and locals and see what they say about Saba
  • Rent steadily and in different locations before you invest in land or a home
  • Bring your family and friends and see how Saba connects with them?
  • Don’t get pressured into buying anything until you find exactly what you want


6.  Make an achievable plan 

If Saba is where you want to be then make a plan that works. One with a Beginning – Middle – End. Moving from A —> to B —> to C.
Charter your course. Make a map. Turn on your personal GPS and see what your gut instinct says and where it leads you but —
make sure it’s an achievable plan and hold yourself accountable, every step of the way, until you arrive at your destination. 

  1. Come back every single year to visit and be part of the Tribes of Saba
  2. Stay with friends, book your favorite hotel and room or rent a house you love and live there regularly 
  3. Invest in a piece of land and build a new home
  4. Buy a house (antique cottage or a villa estate
  5. Become a Saba resident and see what the benefits are
  6. Get a job and work on Saba
  7. Open your own business


We have clients waiting for the right piece of land to come on the market. They’re Saba Insiders.

“Definitely Windwardside, with a view of the water and Mt. Scenery. It’s a 3 year plan, so there’s time.
We know Saba is for us and we trust that our dream property will appear.”
7. Talk to us 

We loved Saba right away and knew on the second day, driving around and getting into the heart of the land and scenery, that we were going to live here permanently and did just that in 2011… living our lives with no regret.

The calmness and incredible, natural beauty are two of the main reasons we love Saba.

Saba is restorative. It can replenish your entire being; renew energy and creativity; make you feel you’re back to being your true self.
The person you always were but maybe lost sight of and will rediscover on Saba. 

We’re extremely grateful to have wonderful friends here on Saba. People we love and trust, who are helpful, reliable, giving, kind and fun; adding to the beauty and quality of life we live here. We often say — we have a better social life here than we had in New York City.

We also have stories to share with you about moving, living and working on Saba. Please — count on us to help you any way we can.
We’ll tell you the truth about Saba. That’s a promise.

8. One more thing

Saba and its people are not racing around, begging masses of people to show up. Saba is a unique and elite place to visit and live.
Like a private club.
Not your standard Caribbean island retreat. Either it’s right for you or it’s not. But it’s a place you’ll always remember and if Saba has stolen you’re heart and you can’t get it out of your mind, we
 fully understand and encourage you to make that yearning dream of yours a reality... so it won’t be a dream anymore.

*And… if you think you can’t afford it — You Are Wrong!

Why not buy and share home with friend?  Go halves or thirds with 2 or 3 other people. All purchase it together.
Make it a time share… A co-op… Joint ownership
You’ll book your time to visit throughout the year and 
live in luxury and comfort by contributing with other people to own and care for a home like… Villa Fairview.

It’s a real, practical possibility.

*We know people who are interested in doing this and we’re happy to make an introduction and create that opportunity for you.
We’ll also arrange the paperwork and then manage it for you.)

There it is… our foolproof 8 point plan to see – Is Saba is right for you?

♦   ♦   ♦

Albert & MichaelSaba Island Properties
Expats – Helping you Create a Caribbean Lifestyle for a Week or… a Lifetime
Saba (+599) 416 . 2777 
Emails:  or

How did we help other people with their plan for Saba?

Michael Feeley

Michael Feeley, Life Coach:

Why Saba?

After living and working in New York City for 40+ years I leaped right out of the rat race of corporate America; leaving behind the relentless stress and competition that was wasting me; to rediscover what really matters to me in life.

We went looking for a new home all over the world - the Azores, the Maldives, France, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Malta, the Caribbean and by pure luck, found Saba.

Saba gives me peace, joy, freedom and a community where I feel I belong. People are respected here; living free and open, in the heart of deep nature and incredible beauty. It's a remarkable change.

The work we do enables us to care about other people. Helping them find a new home with practical empathy for their needs and dreams. It's an emotional investment. To listen. To understand. It's work that matters to us. Work we're proud of.

Maybe you have similar yearnings for change. Wanting a better way to live.
A place where you feel at home, with yourself and with the world.

You might just be looking for a new spot to vacation. Unique. Unknown. Crowd-less. Safe. Friendly.... Hello Saba.

Or... you're already hooked on Saba and keep coming back year after year because you love it! Booking your favorite hotel and room or renting a Saba cottage or villa.

Or... Saba's lifestyle makes you dream of a bigger change. A more personal connection to this exclusive, wonder of an island. Something lasting. Just yours and investing in a home is fixed in your mind and heart.

Feel free to email me and let's find out exactly what you want and see - Is the Caribbean island of Saba right for you? Let's make those thoughts and wishes a reality and then... they won't be thoughts and wishes anymore.

I look forward to saying to you one day --'Welcome home!
Be it for a week or... a lifetime.

*And yes, it's true. I was a professional actor, singer, model (actually working) in New York City and noted theatres throughout the United States: The Actors Playhouse, The Kennedy Center, Syracuse Stage, Elitch Gardens, Ogunquit Playhouse -- working with John Raitt, Howard Keel, Allan Jones, Howard Da Silva, Tovah Feldshuh, Bobby Van, Ford Models.
(I even sang for President Jimmy Carter).

I transitioned from acting (because I wanted to) into the travel industry and later, working as a headhunter for over 20 years in NYC with: The Marriott Corporation, Jones Dairy Farm, Cotton Incorporated, The New York Post, Spike Lee DDB, MetLife, Sullivan & Cromwell, Peter Marino Architect, Reliance National Insurance, Black Rock Financial, Parachute Publishing, Burberry, Asprey Jewelry, The Hunger Project, Macklowe Real Estate.

I'm an Akimbo Workshop Coach for Seth Godin and a certified Life + Career + Change Coach; working with all kinds of people around the globe: creatives - human resources professionals - executives - artists - musicians - gardeners - college deans and teachers - doctors - hotel owners - computer wizards - other coaches... helping them create the change they want in their work and lives; to do better, to be happier and even discover what they really want to do with their lives.

Please take a look at my Coaching website and see how I can be useful to you:

My favorite quote is by poet Mary Oliver because it truly says what I want to know about you in such an unforgettable way:

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

I'm also proud to have my writings about real estate and coaching published at: Thrive Global - The Huffington Post - Maria Shriver - Michael Port - The Fordyce Letter - LinkedIn - Medium and others.

You can email me:

[We thank 'Chizzilala - Video Productions' -- for the photo of us in our car at the top of the - Meet Our Agents - page. Yes! It's from the 'Saba Dutch Caribbean HAPPY video'.] Click Here to View